Friday, February 22, 2008


They are all the same. And I am tired of it.
Hillary this- Obama that- John McCaim slept with a lobbyist.

HOLY SHIT! Fucking newsflash.

Are you ready?

They are all corrupt and only concerned with themselves (their interests.)

I would be thrilled if the young, underdog, black man became President and it sparked a social change. But it won't. He gets supported by Ted Kennedy (the only Kennedy not dead*, but never investigated for a murder) and he wins 10 states in a row, and everyone falls in love with him.

Obama does NOT equal change. Obama does NOT equate to hope. Obama is the Tiger fuckin' Woods of politics. The color of his skin does NOT match the struggle by which it is associated with.

And don't get me started on Hillary Medusa-Clinton. Another year of Clinton is another year of Bush. People overlook this oligarchy factor that is not fucking conspiracy theory. If she is elected it happened. People still don't realize that if the Obama-Clinton count is close when these primary's end the "super delegates" (New World Order) can just reverse the decision and make Hil their nom.

And yes I referred to them as the NWO because 892 people control 40% of the final vote count leaving 383, 488, 000 with the remaining 60%.

And fuck, when I was able to vote I became interested in politics- and this super-delegate, electoral college shit has got to go. This primary shit has got to go. This entire system they have commandeered and held for ransom (tax dollars) has got to go. It is far more complex (full of shit) than it has to be.

This democratic shit show has got to go. Let us cast our vote for whomever we want, and the numbers will decide. Ultimately the powers that be just hand the keys to the kingdom over to their neighbor put an elbow in their rib and remind them to change the sheets.

Our whole system is based on a chuckle and a wink.

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